If I have learned anything at all in this mess, it is that friendships, true friendships, will carry you. They will encourage you when you feel like nothing and will give you the comfort you deserve. There is no room for bitterness. Hey you, go revive a lost friendship!
Melissa & David’s friendship is unique and spills into their relationship like Christ intended. There is an element of trust that is nearly contagious. Not to mention Melissa and I share a love for vintage items and nifty buttons. These photos are the epitome of my style and the direction of my business. If you like these photos, I will probably like you. If you don’t, I will still probably like you.
Their wedding date is August the sixth
kristin! what a beautiful shoot! Seriously loving your B&W processing, by the way!! Gorgeous!
omg I love this… the colors, the buttons… nicely done!