sneak peak from our friday wedding hgh hormone releasers at the richmond train station <3 this beautiful girl is coming to the blog on monday ! I’m thankful I only had to wait about a week to blog her bridals since we did them a few days before the wedding. Maureen, it has been such a creative journey working with you & scott through your planning process. I wish you two nothing but the greatest happiness in your European honeymoon AND your sweet marriage <3
NOW BOOKING Senior class of 2014! GO, tell your friends! Need more information for the parents? Sure sure, I understand. Scroll below the photos to see the package details (Also, be sure to check out the special deal I’m running for a little while)! 2014 SENIOR PACKAGE – 2 hour session – professional styling (I’ll help you choose your outfits, props & locations. I’ll pick you up, too!) – flash drive of all your photos with rights to show all of your friends. I won’t even put a tacky watermark on your photos to take the attention away from you. – a personally designed private viewing gallery to show your family & friends. You can order prints here, too! – As many outfits as we have time for. – If you book now, receive $50 off! -Interested in booking a session? Email me! peace.
well, I would usually post these on my design blog, however, that thing is giving me a fit to sign in…as always, seemingly. Our home is slowly slowly slowly coming together & we are so thrilled to call this our home. All I have is some ‘before’ photos from downstairs, but it’s hcg diet coach a start! It’s hard to remember to take photos when you’re working! Young House Love, I don’t know how you do it!
If you’re looking for the photos that used to be here, I have moved them to my design blog! Click here and I’ll take you there. Sorry bout that, chap.
These are ridiculously gorgeous!!
I love the beautiful, natural look of your photos. I feel like way too many photographers are OVER editing their photos these days. With the digital age and photoshop you have a lot more flexibility but that doesn’t mean things have to look so processed. Right? Am I right, or am I right? Sorry…just had to get that off my chest. Again, I’m a huge fan of your work! Don’t change a thing