I’m sure you remember this precious bottom from a few months back.
Precious Meredith Kate We would sit her up like this, hold her sides, count tot hree and let her go quickly..I’d snap the photo VERY quickly and then….
She would flop over….silly girl.
grandma was not happy about mer out in the cold….she quite enjoyed it though.
LOVE this series
Mom, Grandma, Aunt Kate & Meredith
dancing laughing sara piano trespassing these are a few of her favorite things the trespassing one isn’t entirely true…it was strictly circumstantial.
not to mention good looks must run in the family. Natalie lives in Lynchburg and also happens to be graduating high school this year. After taking her big sister sara’s press kit photos, Natalie contacted me to do her senior photos. I knew that she would be up for anything and that we’d have a blast. Sara came along and helped natalie loosen up…..and laugh a lot. I’m all for laughing photos.
No one was harmed, arrested or frozen to death during the making of these photos. we found this entire wall of icecicles…it was phenominal I think she pretty much nails the fierce serious photos. I look like an idiot when I try to give that look. the new Vampire Weekend album was released Tuesday….It’s chaotically wonderful. PS-check out new starline drive music, too!
Poor thing. I believe the temperature of this morning was 17 degrees when I left my house. While I was bundled up in scarves (yes, plural) and a big fluffy coat, she was prancing around in a light sweater. I’d like to think these photos were worth it, though. She’s just as pretty on the inside as she is on the outside.
obviously, she likes to play the piano. apparently i’m funny. not really… I’m a big fan of this one. I just love street photos!
I hope your Tuesday is Terrific.
Cute!! The coloring on the indoor series is spot on – love it!