I apologize for the amount of bouquet photos, I just absolutely loved it. Most beautiful bouquet I’ve ever seen!
we carried over the lemon idea from their engagement session in May
we carried over the lemon idea from their engagement session in May I believe all I have to say right now is that I do not have it all together. I’m not the best photographer, I can barely keep up with my emails and I don’t have all of my relationships in tact. I am terrible at time management, I should not own a phone and when it comes down to it, my attitude isn’t in check.
I cannot run a business on my own. In fact, I can’t even type a simple sentence without much cooperation from my brain and attention span. Sometimes I’m so overwhelmed with the photos on my desktop, I walk away passionately to the fridge. Or tv. Sometimes both. I’m wordy, I’m bossy I’m emotional and I don’t deserve anything I have. And you know what? that’s okay. I am steadily realizing that I don’t need to be great on my own. I CANT be great on my own. I have failed and I will continue to do so if I do not keep myself in check. If I do not keep myself indebted to Christ. What I want is to show the world the joy He has given me. I don’t want to be the best photographer, I don’t even want to be an okay photographer. I want to love a world that is broken and empty and show them the joy the Lord has brought me. If for nothing else, here is me admitting I am nothing without my God. Everything I am is because I have a God who believes I’m better than what I feel like, a best friend who is beyond self-less, a family who believes in me and supports me and a wesley who will wait for me, patiently. My heart is heavy but thank you for reading, and for getting all the way to this sentence. What a pal you are. Thankfully, He brings things back into focus for me. Daily.
I am SO excited for fall. I was driving to Lynchburg yesterday and saw a few leaves that had fallen on the road and had a mini dance party in my car. Not to be a whiner, but I do not like the heat..I do not like slushies & any other beverage with the #1 ingredient being ice and I am not a fan of shorts…..sooooooo bon voyage months of the summer that make you want to drown yourself in ice cream.
wow. that was quite the rant. I didn’t even intend on this blog containing any sort of rant…I just started typing. here’s some photos to make up for it? just random stuff around my house.
um, these are gorgeous. really. i have no words. you did an amazing job!